The Business Leadership Listener Survey 2022
I've been doing the The Business Leadership Podcast since 2017. Going into 2023, I want to make sure I'm delivering value to you. So please let me know what you find value in (so I can do more of that) and those items that don't deliver value to you (so I can do less of that). Remember, I'm a business leader, entrepreneur and creator so I thrive and DEEPLY appreciate on specific actionable feedback. Don't hesitate to share any suggestions, good or bad, I will never take them personally and see them as a growth opportunity. You will not be added to any email list unless you choose that as an option. I hate spam as much as you do.

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Overall, I enjoy the podcast *
Not much
Very much
How likely are you to share an episode of The Business Leadership Podcast? *
Very Likely
Please provide some thoughts, feedbacks and suggestions. The more specific you are, the better I can adjust the show to align with you.
What do you enjoy most of the show? *
What do you like least of the show? (what should I do less of) *
What do you want to hear more of OR what would you like to hear? (how can I improve the show) *
What is your perfect length for an episode? (in minutes)
How did you discover the show?  *
What topics would you want to learn from me? (I'm thinking of adding solo episodes, select all that apply) *
What are you typically doing when you are listening to the show? *
What is your primary App for listening to podcasts?
Please share any feedback, comments or suggestions that have come to mind here.
A bit about you, my listner.
What do you do? *
Age *
Gender Identity 
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