TBLP 148 | Sophia Ruffolo: Women Entrepreneur Leader

TBLP 148 | Sophia Ruffolo: Women Entrepreneur Leader

We want to educate thousands of women and help connect to one another so that they are their own support system

Sophia Ruffolo

Sophia Ruffolo is the Founder and CEO of femmebought, an online women’s business directory, community, and education hub that’s meaningfully connecting and inspiring women, giving entrepreneurs the tools required to grow their own businesses.

An experienced executive, Sophia has worked in a variety of senior roles for a global financial institution, including Chief Compliance Officer of US and Canadian based investment firms and trust companies. People love working with Sophia because of her endless energy and drive to help women launch businesses on their own terms.

In today’s episode, Sophia shares some tips on how she lets her team fail or fall down and let them become stronger, she also shares her personal experiences in adjusting to her new world of entrepreneurship, and some of the habits that she has kept over the last week which has helped her during these uncertain times.

What You Will Learn From This Episode

  • The reason that pushed Sophia to pursue her passion right now
  • Sophia’s goals for this year
  • Startup challenges and how Sophia overcame them
  • How Sophia coped up with her existential crisis
  • Public Speaking: Why Sophia is into it right now
  • Why they are very excited for their upcoming gala
  • The best leadership quality that Sophia have
  • How she keeps businesses going despite these uncertain times


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DELETE THIS “Communication solves all problems. Communication creates all reality. ”

Marcos Mendosa

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