Building Your Brand with Danielle Cevallos

“Everyone is building a brand, whether they’re doing intentionally or not.”.

Danielle Cevallos

In this episode Building Your Brand, Danielle Cevallos sits down with host Edwin Frondozo to discuss personal branding to help you grow your business, open doors of opportunity, and create the legacy you want to create.

Danielle is the CMO of Kelly Roach International and the brains behind the implementation of Conviction Marketing. She helps hundreds of entrepreneurs inside the company to bring their genius to the world. Danielle’s background in psychology, education, and copywriting, give her a unique pulse on the current marketing landscape and culture where she is able to give strategic, creative brand direction to clients and her audience. Danielle has helped countless 7 and 8 figure well-known brands prior to joining Kelly Roach Coaching, and brings a wealth of knowledge to the overall client experience that leads to brand success. In addition to helping leaders build personal brands, Danielle has played a significant role in the growth of Kelly Roach International.

What You Will Learn From This Episode

  • You’re always building your brand whether it’s intentional or not
  • Everyone has different comfort levels on what they want to share
  • Coming up with your “north star” can, and usually is, different than your companies “north star”
  • What it takes to build a successful brand

Danielle Cevallos

This episode was brought to you by Slingshot Communications, the preferred virtual PBX of business leaders.  Get your business SMS today.


“You should be honest with who you are. I just think you should careful about the parts of you that you share with the world and people who have no context of who you are, outside of what you show them.”.

Danielle Cevallos

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